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Pianoforte digitale | HN173658

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The finest GrandTouch keyboard and sound system combine to give you the ultimate grand piano experience.

• CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial piano samples

• CFX Binaural sampling

• Improved VRM (Virtual Resonance Modeling)

• Smooth Release

• Key-Off samples

• String Resonance

• Damper Resonance

• 256-note polyphony

• 49 + 480 XG Voices + GM2/GS (Song file playback)

• GrandTouch keyboard with synthetic ebony and ivory keytops (wood is used for the white keys)

• Escapement

• Counterweight

• 88-key Linear Graded Hammers

• GP Response Damper Pedal

• 128 x 64 full dot LCD

• Dual / Split / Duo

• Digital effects (Reverb/Chorus/Brilliance/Effect)

• 19 Voice Demo Songs + 50 Piano Songs* + 303 Lesson Songs (*The Clavinova comes with a book of music scores)

• 20 rhythms

• 16-track recording

• USB Audio Recorder (Playback/Recording: WAV)


• Dual headphone jacks

• (50 W + 50 W + 50 W) x 2 amplifiers

• (16 cm + 8 cm + 2.5 cm (dome)) x 2 speaker system

• Spruce Cone speaker

• Speaker Box

• Acoustic Optimizer

• Intelligent Acoustic Control (IAC)

• Stereophonic Optimizer

• Music braces

• Folding key cover

• Built-in Bluetooth Audio

Innovation for effortless performance

Clavinova is an innovative lineup of digital pianos that have continued to evolve while seeking to provide the touch and tone of a concert grand piano—the ultimate symbol of piano excellence. This authentic grand piano experience is the product of the knowledge and expertise that Yamaha has accumulated over more than 125 years of crafting acoustic pianos. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology to achieve grand piano quality, Clavinova digital pianos offer an inviting playing experience that is perfect for players of all levels. They emulate the touch and tone of a grand piano to make the transition from digital to acoustic piano a seamless and enjoyable one.

VRM physical modeling—the distinctive reverberation generated by the entire body of a concert grand piano

In a grand piano, sound resonates throughout the body of the instrument, producing a rich reverberation that envelops the listener in sound. This phenomena is reproduced perfectly in the Clavinova through enhanced Virtual Resonance Modeling (VRM). The original VRM calculates the various states of the strings for each of the 88 notes on the keyboard, from one instant to the next, and timing and depth of damper pedals pressed. The enhanced VRM now also calculates aliquot resonance in the upper octaves, and the full resonance of the soundboard, rim, and frame. This technology allows for vivid, bright, richly-varied expression that reflects the limitless number of factors inherent in piano performance.

From staccato to legato—superbly expressive sound that responds to the player’s touch

Featuring Yamaha Smooth Release technology, Clavinova offers the crisp tone heard when playing staccato as well as the lingering sound produced by releasing the keys more. This provides finely-nuanced response to the pianist’s playing.

Smooth tonal transformations perfectly matched to key pressure

Sound in an acoustic piano attenuates over a long time. Pianists can change the volume of the sound—as well as its dynamics—to achieve both mellow and bright tones by simply changing the pressure they apply to the keys. The Clavinova features long, carefully-sampled recordings of notes on a piano, reproduces them in rich detail and utilizes unique Yamaha technologies to achieve smooth tonal transitions in response to the touch of the player. Additionally, the Clavinova has been repeatedly tested and adjusted by numerous pianists in order to attain a performance feel similar to that of a grand piano.

Key-Off samples

The moment a pianist’s fingers are lifted from the keys of a grand piano, subtle changes occur in the instrument’s tone as the damper is lowered onto the strings to mute its sound. Key-Off samples features actual recordings of these changes, offering a faithful reproduction of the most subtle changes in the piano’s sound, allowing for a more realistic performance.

Escapement mechanism of Clavinova Keyboards

The escapement mechanism in a grand piano moves the hammers away from the strings quickly after they strike them, in order to prevent any interference with string vibration. This mechanism produces a slight clicking sensation when the keys are pressed gently. Since Real Grand Expression offers players superb sound, touch and pedaling, we decided to create an escapement that delivers outstanding playability, repetition, and response without impeding performance. The Clavinova keyboards feature an escapement mechanism that reproduces this sensation near the bottom of the key dip. They have been designed in such a way that the click is discernible only on the lightest keystrokes, similar to the keyboard of a grand piano. These keyboards have been adjusted to provide additional friction that balances key repetition and response without impeding performance.

Key counterweights

Counterweights are embedded in the keys of a grand piano to balance the weight of the hammers and offer more precise control when playing delicately at low volumes. The Clavinova features carefully adjusted counterweights for improved playability when playing pianissimo with a light touch, and better key return in rapid passages. The keyboard of the Clavinova has been fine-tuned to offer optimal balance, emphasizing its superb playability and grand piano response.

88-key Linear Graded Hammers—the first digital piano keyboard ever to feature alistic weighting on every key

Every single key on a grand piano keyboard is weighted differently. This is because the strings for each note are slightly thinner and shorter in the treble register, becoming thicker and longer towards the bass register. The 88-key Linear Graded Hammers of the Clavinova is the first-of-its-kind to faithfully duplicate this graded touch with differing weights and key return on each one of its keys. This results in a feel and response that is astonishingly like that of a grand piano, and allows players to gain an appreciation of a more authentic touch.

The GP Response Damper Pedal provides an authentic grand piano pedal feel

Using the damper pedal subtly alters the nature of a piano’s sound and is essential to providing the pianist with all the necessary expressive tools to convey their musical vision. Clavinova digital pianos feature a damper pedal that continually detects depression depth and allows halfpedaling, which lets players make minute adjustments to pedal depression and return, changing the depth and character of their piano sound. High-end models feature the GP Response Damper Pedal, which offers a grand piano-style resistance curve, starting out light to the touch and growing heavier as the pedal is depressed further. This allows players to become accustomed to the nuances of delicate pedaling.

Full-body resonance, just like an acoustic piano

Similar to an acoustic piano, the Clavinova is calibrated carefully, with speaker positioning and body materials checked to ensure that the entire instrument resonates optimally. For a sound image that is very close to the grand piano, these instruments feature Tone Escapement in several locations throughout the body that allow the sound from the speakers to be projected to the listener’s ears without being trapped inside the instrument. The higher-end models in the CLP-600 Series feature dedicated DSPs, amplifiers and speakers. This vastly improves sound production, ensuring that the volume and quality of sound heard by the performer is flawless, with the output from each speaker arriving at the performer’s ears in perfect synchrony.

Acoustic Optimizer

The speakers attached to the body exhibit a phenomenon in which, if nothing is done, the volume of the sound will increase due to the resonant frequency of the body. Conversely, installing pipes with the same resonant frequency within the body suppresses this resonance. Acoustic optimizers utilize this phenomenon. This improvement of the sound is something that has only been possible thanks to Yamaha‘s thorough knowledge of the internal acoustic characteristics of musical instruments.

Speaker innovations

Drawing from its experience in building both acoustic pianos and high-end speakers, the CLP-685 speaker cones use pulp from the same spruce wood used to make acoustic piano soundboards. This results in a more natural, piano-like attack to the sound.

A fully immersive concert grand experience—even with headphones

Yamaha’s advanced binaural sampling technology is now available on the Clavinova for the first time. The technology uses samples from the CFX, Yamaha’s acclaimed concert grand piano, recorded with specialized microphones that capture locational information and other nuances discerned by the human ear. The resulting sound is so natural, so enveloping, that you’ll soon forget you’re even wearing headphones at all. Once you choose the Yamaha CFX Grand Voice and put headphones on, the binaural sampled sound is automatically ready and no additional settings are required. Now with or without headphones, you can fully enjoy the concert grand experience at home.

The Stereophonic Optimizer—a new kind of headphone experience

When using headphones, the Stereophonic Optimizer lets players enjoy the dispersed sound heard when sitting in front of an acoustic piano. With the Stereophonic Optimizer, Voices sampled from acoustic pianos* appear to come from the body of the instrument. This provides a comfortable, natural experience that removes the drawbacks of performing with headphones.

* The CFX Voice utilizes binaural sampling technology
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