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Equalizzatore | HN218991

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If ever there is an official “Audio Technology Hall of Fame”, it will definitely include a shrine to the legendary Pultec EQP-1A. We pay homage to this audio-processing pioneer that has graced so many recordings, with our EQP-KT Classic Tube Equaliser. And while vintage Pultec units are extremely rare and expensive, the EQP-KT is amazingly affordable – and designed for the 21st Century. Mastering quality equalisation, at a price point that makes the EQP-KT equally at home in your studio – and your live rack!

Building on a Classic

The EQP-KT draws inspiration from the legendary Pultec EQP-1A equaliser, which was first produced in the early 1950s. Since then, Pultec equalisers have been prized for their smooth musical sound, and audio engineers have utilised them at all stages of the recording process – from tracking to mastering.

A Class Act

At the heart of the EQP-KT is a vintage Class-A circuit design constructed from the highest-quality discrete components – all of which meet or exceed the Pultec EQP-1A’s original specifications. This is just one of the many ways the EQP-KT brings unparalleled precision and superb signal integrity into the new audio age.

The Warm Sound of Tubes

EQP-KT owes its characteristic warmth to a set of premium, hand-selected 12AX7 and 12AU7 tubes. This time-tested combination provides ultra low-noise analog output with the ideal balance of tight, warm bass, silky-smooth midrange and brilliant, airy treble.

MIDAS – The Legend in Sound Quality

Ever since its formation in the 1970s, MIDAS has had a long history of innovation and leadership in the world of audio mixing consoles. Employed by the most famous touring acts and installations worldwide, legendary MIDAS consoles such as the XL4 and Heritage H3000 quickly became industry standards.

MIDAS has earned an impeccable reputation due to their no-compromise approach for audio and build-quality, and in particular for their Award-winning Mic Preamps, considered by experts as the industry’s best-sounding designs. Building on this legacy, the XL8 and PRO Series of Live Mixing Systems continue this great heritage of Award-winning audio quality.

KLARK TEKNIK is proud to incorporate custom-designed MIDAS Input and Output transformers in the EQP-KT for the ultimate in high-quality audio reproduction in both live and studio environments. Find out more about MIDAS’ amazing legacy by visiting their extensive website.

Incredible Flexibility

EQP-KT provides the kind of tone-sculpting flexibility that you simply won’t find on the average equaliser, such as the ability to boost and cut specific frequency content simultaneously. This functionality is a product of EQP-KT’s two-band design, which allows the boost and cut controls to work independently of one another – for incredibly flexible shelving. Both the LF Boost/Cut and HF Boost controls provide 7 frequency selections, along with a variable broad-bandwidth midrange control. Finally, EQP-KT’s HF Cut control lets you dial in the perfect amount of “air” to add a touch of finesse to your top-end content.

Bypass Mode

As mentioned earlier, the EQP-KT is anything but typical, and that includes the operation of its Bypass/EQ On switch. If you could see EQP-KT’s signal path, you’ll find: a MIDAS Input transformer; two-band equaliser; a makeup gain amplifier; and a MIDAS Output transformer. When the switch is in the Bypass position, the only section that is no longer part of the signal path is the equaliser.

Balanced Connections

The EQP–KT has both XLR and 1/4" TRS balanced Inputs and Outputs, both of which operate at line level. Unbalanced connections are also available via 1/4" TS cables

Unequalled Equalisation

While Pultec may have written the book on studio equalisation with the legendary EQP-1A in the 1950, we just added a new chapter to that venerable tone – the KLARK TEKNIK EQP-KT! Now audio aficionados of all means can afford the amazingly precise, tone-sculpting technology that has defined generations of musical excellence – both on and off the stage.

Check out the EQP-KT at your KLARK TEKNIK dealer, or get yours online today


  • Numero di canali: 1
  • Ingressi: XLR, Jack 6,3 mm TRS
  • Uscite: XLR, Jack 6,3 mm TRS
  • Compressore: No
  • Alimentazione Phantom: No
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