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ARTURIA V Collection 8

Software | HN224246

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Descrizione in italiano non attualmente disponibile. Potete leggere descrizione in inglese.
A suite of 28 software instruments spanning analog synths, digital synths, organs, acoustic pianos, electric pianos, and string machines - recreations of the most iconic instruments of all time.

They're faithfully emulated using exclusive analog and physical modeling technology for unparalleled realism, and enhanced to allow in-depth sound exploration that goes far beyond their ancestors. These virtual instruments can be used standalone or in your DAW of choice, and are designed to work seamlessly with your favorite MIDI controllers.

The classics evolved

The instruments of the past, the soundtrack to the present, and a fanfare for the future. From vintage disco basslines to breathtaking filmscore ambience, this expansive sonic territory is yours to explore with V Collection 8.

The greatest ensemble

Think of a famous synth sound or an iconic keyboard’s tone, and you can create it with V Collection. A million-dollar collection of the finest pianos, synthesizers, samplers, and esoteric keyboard instruments all in one place, geared for modern music makers, and at your command.

Your dream workflow

V Collection 8 is designed to not just cover all of your synth & keyboard sound requirements. It’s built to be intuitive, accessible, and enjoyable too, devised by passionate musicians, producers, and engineers who understand the importance of a fluid music making process.

Stay in control

Nothing beats the feeling of getting hands-on with a classic instrument. That’s why V Collection 8 is built to play nice with your favorite MIDI controllers - experience the thrill of classic sound at your fingertips. Not only does it integrate seamlessly with the KeyLab Essential, KeyLab MkII, and MiniLab ranges; it’ll work with any controller, keyboard, or DAW that you decide to use. Input notes and tweak parameters with your computer keyboard, USB MIDI device, note sequencer - and anything in between. The next chapter in the music history books hasn’t been written yet, but V Collection puts the pen in your hand.

Loved around the world

V Collection 8 is our flagship title, and has become the absolute reference point for software synth and keyboard emulations. The biggest artists of our time, their producers, their engineers, and their studios love the sound of our software instruments, and their vibrant sounds are found in countless chart toppers and hit film scores.


  • Tipo software: Plug-in
  • Tipo licenza: Versione completa
  • Package: Box
  • Compatibilità: Windows 10 ->, Mac OS 10.13 ->
  • Paese di produzione: Cina
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