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BEHRINGER UMC1820 (disimballato)

Scheda audio USB | HN236817

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Descrizione in italiano non attualmente disponibile. Potete leggere descrizione in inglese.
The incredible U-PHORIA UMC1820 bridges the gap between your creativity and your fans. This blazingly fast USB 2.0 studio-in-a-box will have you recording your next masterpiece in minutes with all the connectivity required for your microphones, guitars, keyboards and even MIDI devices.

Record the perfect vocal right to your computer-based DAW thanks to the 8 astonishingly clear, world-class MIDAS-designed mic preamps, which include +48 Volt phantom power for condenser microphones, all going through studio-grade 24-Bit/96 kHz converters for the best possible sound quality. It also provides I/O support for S/PDIF, ADAT and S/MUX formats. Whether you’re a singer-songwriter, producer on the go, or just need a rock-solid interface for running backing tracks at a gig, the ultra-dependable U-PHORIA UMC1820 will help you shine in the digital domain.

Studio in a Little Black Box

When it’s time to make recording history on your Mac or Windows computer, plug in microphones, instruments or line level sources to the UMC1820’s 8 combination XLR/TRS inputs for the ultimate in studio flexibility! Connect and communicate with MIDI devices to add the benefit of control surfaces to your studio workflow. And since the UMC1820 is compatible with all popular recording software including Avid Pro Tools*, Ableton Live*, Steinberg Cubase, and others – it’s ready for anything.

96 kHz Precision

You take your tracks seriously, and the UMC1820 respects that, providing up to 96 kHz resolution for even the most demanding applications in music as well as video post production. Work with confidence and accuracy in your favorite recording software for professional results every time.

MIDAS - The Legend in Sound Quality

Ever since its formation in the 1970s, MIDAS has had a long history of innovation and leadership in the world of audio mixing consoles. Employed by the most famous touring acts and installations world-wide, legendary MIDAS consoles such as the XL4 and Heritage H3000 quickly became industry standards.

MIDAS has earned their impeccable reputation due to their no-compromise approach for audio and build quality and in particular for their Award-winning Mic Preamps which are considered by industry experts as the industry’s best sounding designs. Building on this legacy, the XL8 and PRO Series of Live Mixing Systems continue this great heritage of Award-winning audio quality.

BEHRINGER is proud to incorporate a MIDAS designed mic preamp for the ultimate in high-quality audio reproduction in both live and studio environments. Find out more about MIDAS’ amazing legacy by visiting their extensive website.

Convenient Monitoring

The UMC1820 mix control allows zero-latency direct monitoring, which means musicians can experience their performance clearly and with no delay or lag in the returning signal, resulting in a better performance and recording. Its powerful phones output has its own level control and Monitor A/B source select for DJ-style cueing. Plus we provide free audio recording, editing and podcasting software, plus 150 instrument / effect plug-ins—just a download away at

Getting Connected

The U-PHORIA UMC1820 provides 18 inputs and 20 outs and built-in MIDI I/O to sync your favorite hardware. You’ll have ultra-easy control via your computer for producing a richer performance. On the rear panel of the UMC1820, you’ll find the USB 2.0 port for hassle-free connection, and plenty of analog playback output options including ?" TRS, RCA and XLR. Built-in MIDI I/O allows you to connect keyboards and other outboard MIDI hardware.

Lots of Digital I/O

ADAT input allows you to connect a BEHRINGER ADA8200 (sold separately), expanding to a total of 16 Midas-designed mic preamplifiers, so you can mic the entire band! And there are enough outs to feed separate headphone mixes to each performer. Naturally, the UMC1820 supports all standard I/O formats, including S/PDIF, ADAT, S/MUX and analog.

Everything You Need to Sound Amazing

The U-PHORIA UMC1820 is a powerful 18 input, 20 output USB recording interface featuring genuine MIDAS-designed mic preamps with exceptional 24-Bit/96 kHz high-resolution converters, support for S/PDIF, ADAT and S/MUX formats with simultaneous use of all signals. It’s all designed to help your recordings and mixes sound their absolute best. Visit your local dealer or online reseller and fi nd out what a great addition to any studio or mobile recording rig it can be.


  • Frequenza di modellamento: 16, 24bit/44,1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88,2 kHz, 96 kHz
  • Compatibilità: Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10; Mac OS 10.9, 10.8, 10.7, 10.6, 10.5
  • Tipo: USB
  • Numero di uscite analogiche: 10
  • Numero di ingressi microfono: 8
  • Numero di ingressi: 8
  • Numero di uscite: 10
  • MIDI: Sì
  • SPDIF: Sì
  • ADAT: Sì
  • Uscita cuffie: Sì
  • Alimentazione Phantom: Sì
  • Montaggio 19": Sì
  • Software: N/A
  • Adattatore parte integrante: Sì
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