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LINE 6 Helix Gold Limited Edition

Multieffetti per chitarra | HN210041

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Helix Floor and Helix Rack are the flagship guitar processors of the Helix family, offering incredible power, flexibility, and control. HX Modeling uses dual-DSP processing to deliver the nuanced character that exists in the original classics, giving you natural bloom, compression, modulation, and honk on some models, as well as intense gain and breakup in others.Not only do HX Models sound and feel real, Helix Floor and Helix Rack processors are comprehensive master controllers for your guitar system, with extensive I/O that provides unprecedented flexibility for studio and stage. Touch-sensitive footswitches, customizable scribble strips, and a large color LCD make the user experience faster and more efficient.

When it comes to authentic sound and feel, Helix Floor and Helix Rack guitar processors represent a giant leap forward in modeling technology. Dual-DSPs provide massive power to accurately recreate the sonic characteristics and full dynamic response of classic and modern amplifiers and effects.

Helix HX Hybrid cabs represent a new approach to the speaker cabinet capture process. They provide the same resolution and low-end accuracy as a 2048-point or higher Impulse Response, while only using roughly the same amount of DSP power as a 1024-point IR. A choice of 16 different microphones and 23 recording distances provides additional sonic flexibility and real-time dynamic control. Helix Floor and Helix Rack processors also let you load custom impulse responses, allowing you to personalize your rig even further.

Massive power traditionally comes with a steep learning curve, but Helix processors are remarkably easy to use. Touch-sensitive footswitches allow you to select an effect block or other item for editing simply by tapping it with your finger. A large 6.2-inch, 800x480-pixel LCD eliminates complex menu-diving and provides the same level of control you might expect from an external editor. Colored LED rings and customizable scribble strips complete the user interface, letting you know what each footswitch is doing at a glance.

Simply touch a footswitch to instantly jump to any block and quickly adjust a parameter or assign controllers. So fast, you can comfortably assign any item to a switch in three seconds. Color-coded LED rings and customizable scribble strips convey footswitch assignments and status at a single glance. The Snapshots feature enables you to create up to eight variations within a single preset and seamlessly transition between them without experiencing the audio dropouts.

Helix Floor and Helix Rack processors can serve as the nerve center for your entire studio or live rig by enabling you to easily integrate effects pedals and other hardware into a hybrid setup. With four stereo signal paths per preset, the Helix Floor and Helix Rack processors allow you to create complex routing scenarios involving numerous effects and other blocks, connected in countless ways. Routing schemes such as wet/dry/wet and 4-Cable Method are also easily configured.

When you need to incorporate external devices via MIDI, Helix Floor and Helix Rack processors offer maximum flexibility. In addition to powerful real time MIDI control, they can send up to six separate commands at preset recall, enabling you to, for example, change a preset on a synth, start a sequencer, and turn up a fader on an external digital mixer with a single press of a footswitch. And with their two expression pedal inputs, CV/Expression out, and external amp switching, Helix Floor and Helix Rack processors can serve as the command center for any size rig.

Helix Edit software features the same intuitive user interface found on the Helix Floor and Helix Rack processors, so there’s no learning curve. Drag and drop amps, cabs, and effects to build complex signal chains with ease; adjust settings and parameters using dedicated sliders and knobs; customize footswitch labels quickly and efficiently, and much more—all on your computer’s large screen.

Helix Floor and Helix Rack processors feature Variax guitar control enhancements that enable you to toggle between two guitar models with a footswitch, control Helix amp and effects parameters from the volume and tone knobs on your Variax guitar, set each string’s tuning per preset or snapshot, and much more.
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